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Richarmond O. Natha-Alade |
It is often said, ‘Politics is a game of interest’ where does your interest lie and what have you based same on?
Interest on the other hand are
basically categorized into two; Personal Interest and General interest. What sought
of interest motivates you?
General interest is of two folds;
Utilitarian benefit and egocentric or self-seeking seems-for-all benefit.
Simply put, general interest motivated by selfish or selfless desires.
By this article, I do not intend
to pitch tent with any political party but to practically relay my testimonies and
experiences for overall general purpose and appraisal.
It is of common knowledge that in
hope and reality of the forthcoming general election, the Nigeria political
atmosphere is charged, hence all power brokers and business minded folks who
gets what, when and how from politics are trading what they have with what they
can get in the short or long run of all; that is triggered by ‘interest’.
I do not intend to go general but
to limit my write up to the bane of religious leaders who are directly and/or
indirectly carrying the banners and membership cards of one political party or
the other, and overtly inducing their followers to follow such party notwithstanding
what that political party ideology is and/or what they are known for.
In recent time, the churches and
other religious institution seems saturated and overspirited. We have seen
Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), so many Bishops, Pastors, Sheiks and
Imams, to mention a few, issue prophesies, inciting their followers and
claiming ‘God’ said this, God said that. Many would even put a curse behind the
prophesy ‘if God had not sent him, let this happen’ in order to convince their
teaming followers and would-be hypnotized public members that God indeed sent
them. Many of such prophesies were abruptly cut off by none fulfillment and/or
not coming to past, hence another ‘escape route’ explanation that ‘God’ has
changed his mind. One of such instance is the Apostle that predicted PDP winning
election in Ekiti and later explained that God changed his mind after his guess
work failed as usual. This same apostle prophesied the death of Nasir El Rufai
within seven days, El Rufai is still living after three years. This and many
more aside the personal lives, dispositions and inclinations of many of these
religious leaders.
Related facts as to the above
mentioned scenario played out during Dr. Goodluck Jonathan’s regime, where many
of these large spiritual figures issued
out fake prophesies and later covered up after the prophesy failed with the usual Slogan ‘God’ has changed his mind’. We
do not know which of the G(g)ods that cannot visibly see tomorrow but keep
changing mind on political issues on who becomes the leader. I intend not to
mention names, but you know them all.
I have always understand that
except a religious leader receives divine mandate to contest (The Spirit having
assured him of winning) or wishes to contest out of his own volition, does God
send pastors and all these religious leaders in full ministry another task of
being a politician and/or an extension or affiliate of a political party? In my
own cognitive knowledge, I do not think so. Since the church is filled up with
all manners of people from several political parties and other backgrounds
which should be understandable to all these religious leaders. In my belief,
such involvement of religious leaders is motivated by canal mind, selfish
interest and vain glory and I will explain why.
Churches of old that participated
in politics have them burnt down and their leaders killed, their family members
mutilated and governmental policies changed negativley against them; I won’t
bother you with history. Many privileges are availed to (Nigerian) churches
ranging from waver of taxes, freehand operation, respect and with almost overall privilege of
their leaders to say and do as they wishes without being queried; because it is
the belief that such utterances is divine. Aside the implications tendency of
Religious institutions getting involved in murky politics, the Bible is the
standard of all Christians; therefore, I would allude to the Holy Bible more
than any other religious books.
A Christian means ‘Christ-like’
or someone who behaves and/or follows the teachings and doctrines of Jesus
Christ. I would come back to this.
Before the advent of
Christianity, the Jewish and Mosaic laws prevailed to set standard in ways God
should be worshipped and/or reached by men. Throughout the time of the
prophets, especially the ones whose teachings, writings and acts were canonized
by Hebrew authorities, by all standards, the Prophets of then hears directly
from God except some other prophets who uses magical powers to make things
happen. Consequently, you would not be surprised that when the rulers and
leaders of Israel and beyond hear from these real prophets, they tremble and
atone if need be, because they knew God has spoken.
These Prophets
as of old are not corrupted and inclined to tainted gifts or any gift God had
not approve of and/or instructed them to receive. They live sacrificial life
and not the extravagant lifestyle equivalent to the use of bodyguards, fleets
of private jets, 3 million pounds of wrist watch e.t.c.
Examining the contents of the Old
Testament of the Holy Bible which is Jewish laws and practice, it can be
observed that from the canonicity of the Torah to the Pentateuch, to the Nebim,
to the Hagiographer, to the canticles and others you cannot find the basic
explanation and/or justification for the gifts many of the nowadays pastors and/or
acclaimed men of God cum politicians receives from corruption detailed
Coming back to the New Testament
and reason Christians are called Christians: By the standards set by Christ as
pattern and mode of behavior of his followers, I am forced to ask the following
poser questions:
In the entire new testament and
detailed recorded life of Christ;
- Did you read where Jesus Christ favoured a shepherd / follower than the other?
- Did you read where Jesus Christ pitched tent with a would-be leader against a leader?
- Did you read where Jesus Christ received illicit, corrupted or tainted gift from anyone?
- Did you read where Jesus Christ lived extravagant lifestyles at the expense of his followers?
- Did you read where Jesus Christ instructed you to curse your leaders and rebel against them?
- Did you read where Jesus Christ fights and curse his followers for not giving offering not to talk of tithe?
- Did you read where Jesus Christ foughts and cursed the political leaders and authorities of then?
- Did you read where Jesus Christ oppressed the poor and those in need?
- Have you seen where Jesus talks anyhow to his followers or people who are even his enemies? (remember his last words on the cross)
I have not read in favour of all
the above questions as an act of Christ when he was alive, and I have not read
where any of his apostles or desciples acted contrary, but some Bishops,
Pastors and self-acclaimed religious leaders have read far beyond those acts,
yet, they have failed to show us which part of the scripture shows
justification for their conducts as a Christian.
The worse of all: because they
are professed men of God, every other persons are daft and doomed, consequently,
everyone must conform to whatever they say or do; the reason you must not
question their misbehavior, right? Even when they sleep with your wife,
impregnate your daughter, march on your head and purge your friend’s bowel with
jilk chemical causing death, it is all from ‘God’, question them not. I make
bold to say that a lot of religious leaders had destroyed more lives and
destinies than can ever be imagined.
The Bible says, no authority
comes into existence except from God. In many instances in the old testament,
the prophets never at anytime rose up against the leader of the land by laying
curses upon him and wishing he fails not to talk of Jesus Christ. Despite the stubbornness
of king Pharao, God punished him all by Himself by stiffening his heart and
making him perish. Despite the number of years spent in the wilderness by Moses
to reach Egypt sequel to the instruction from God, it never went into his head
to make him lay curses on King Pharaoh. You remember also, King Ahab, Jezebel
and Prophet Isiah, Samuel etc. did they lay curses except God speak? The bible even commands us to pray for our
leaders and pray for our enemies those examples are far from the books of Old
Testament not to talk of the doctrine and teachings of Christ which is the
modification of the law as contained in the new testament. Wouldn’t we ask,
where do many of these self-acclaimed Christian men of God get their teachings
from? As Christians (Christ-like), which
of the conducts of many of the nowadays Pastors are in conformity with the
teachings and doctrines of Jesus Christ?
As Bishops, Pastors, Imams or in
any of your capacity as a religious leader, you are supposed to be the father
of all. You do not use your church as platform to play politics. You should be
neutral at all time while what you do is pray. You ought not to discriminate or
wish that a leader fail, hence, your church members followers would be justified to pray that you fall from
grace, fail and be displaced once your any of your conduct (words and actions)
is not suiting to one, two or more of the members of your church or mosque. Remember
no one has a 100% acceptance, not even Jesus Christ Or Mohammed or any of such
gentle refined and great religious leader I know. I hope you would have the
picture of how it feels by wanting Buhari to fail when you are met with same
issue in your church? You’ll lay curses on the ‘rebel’ followers as usual,
We cannot deny the past experiences
of past regimes ranging several roles played by CAN, several Pastors, Bishops,
Prophets, Sheiks, Imams and many more
religious leaders who shared directly or indirectly from the national cake and
never criticized the government but continuously prayed for the continuity and
perpetuity of the government of those era notwithstanding the fact that the
nation was destroyed beyond measure; all because several of huge tithes from stolen
money rolled in, several donations from corrupt politicians were received and
the spiritual businesses were booming at the expense of the masses; consequently,
no cause for alarm. A Bishop even invoked the gate of hell against any person
that would not allow his candidate / ‘ATM’ to win. But when God had not said,
what can a man say? We knew the roles played by many of these religious leaders
when Buhari was sick. They actually wants him dead.
Just as there is luck and grace
on anything a man sets outs to do, I belief many of these religious leaders
were favoured to receive same luck and grace. They grow big and great not
because they are Christians or Moslem not because they are better, not because they
are holier or worthy than others, but because luck and grace smiled on their
hardwork and business-inclined minds and actions. Hence, just like a
hardworking successful businessman, lawyer, contractor, politician e.t.c. who
received grace and luck, they also made made it big and are well known. Their
bigness or success in their chosen career should not make you think all of them
are Christians not to talk as being taken as ‘God’. By their fruits, you shall
know them.
The recent happenings in the
church ranging from several outbursts from CAN, several outbursts and fake
prophesies from several religious leaders against the leader of the land to
several visitations, permutations and endorsement of politicians by pastors,
Bishops, Prophets, Sheiks, Imams etc of politicians as candidate of their
choice is overtly made; this is because, ever since Buhari came on board, it
hasn’t been business as usual, there is no rain of dollars, there is no illicit
visitations, no free money, the national vault is locked, no more fleets of
private jets, and there are no more bogus tithes, offering and gifts, hence,
the Government of the land is wicked, selfish, judgmental, harsh and must be
removed or he dies.
Some of these Bishop, prophets,
pastors and Sheiks recently visited an ‘herbalist’ on behalf of an allegedly
corrupt politician. We learnt thereafter there were rains of dollars as gifts
in return. For how long will we continue to serve these slave masters who
turned many of our countrymen to beggars over what belongs to them?
If your great grandfather
inherited wealth, and your grandfather inherited the wealth from your great grandfather,
if your grandfather squandered the wealth and could not bequeath any wealth to
your father who in turn is now trying all he could as he uses his old age to
tirelessly work in order to build up another wealth for you and your children, of which such father also took appropriate steps to further strengthen the family by
laying foundations to the effect that no one in the family line would ever be
able to squander the wealth once gotten all over, would you not be patient with
such father? Won’t you sacrifice with him? Won’t you pray for him and wish him well?
Wouldn’t you corporate with him to build a better time together? Would you
consistently be wailing of hunger and suffering without showing some
understanding and playing a part? Would you be among the persons saying ‘my
father is wicked when you know he is trying all he could to put things back in shape?
President Buhari is the father
God had given this nation at this moment, we may need to do to him all required
of good sons or daughters than rant.
As a nation, we
are no longer where we used to be on the following national issues:
- Infrastructural development
- Foreign Policy
- Corruption
- Economy growth and development (internal and External)
- Security
- Power
- Judicial Uprightness / Justice System
Great nations are strengthened
and made great on the strength of the above governmental policies cutting
I make bold to say at all time
that all the above listed points of governance and many more had tremendously
improved under President Buhari’s regime. Look inward, assess President Buhari ‘s regime
and compare same with the past regimes. By personality, president Buhari is
selfless, others are selfish. There is a vast of difference within their
respective governmental policies that takes more than ordinary eyes to see and
which also takes more than ordinary brains to comprehend.
We may be hungry, we may not have
enough to eat, but this hunger is a fast and a sacrifice for our future and the
future of our children of the great time to come. Nothing good comes easy, as
everything great must be come great sacrifices. Kindly note, that I am also
hungry and I am sacrificing with you.
Since many of these religious
leaders had failed in their roles as father of all, their pockets is number
one, yet they claim to love us, can’t Nigerians see?
Atiku had once ruled this
country, We knew how himself and his master now turned new wife ruled same. we knew all his boss now turned new wife wrote about him in page 32 of his book. is it not safe to say that no change under Atiku could be better than this change
under President Buhari except we chose to return to Egypt by continuously
being an un-enduring / complaintful ‘Israelites’.
If a pastor that practically incited his church members to attack and if possible kill fulani men on sight because they are evil (as widely reported) now dine and wine with another fulani man, don't you think there is more to that?
If any pastor, Bishop, Imam, sheik or religious leader enters the murky water of politics, he must be ready to face the consequences, including exposure to being ridiculed and totally loosing his respect. Ask that apostle with issue of women. And I bet, If such consequences escalates more than necessary, we pray history would not repeat itself where churches are burnt down and religious leaders and family are attacked and/or made to lose their lifes.
If a pastor that practically incited his church members to attack and if possible kill fulani men on sight because they are evil (as widely reported) now dine and wine with another fulani man, don't you think there is more to that?
If any pastor, Bishop, Imam, sheik or religious leader enters the murky water of politics, he must be ready to face the consequences, including exposure to being ridiculed and totally loosing his respect. Ask that apostle with issue of women. And I bet, If such consequences escalates more than necessary, we pray history would not repeat itself where churches are burnt down and religious leaders and family are attacked and/or made to lose their lifes.
I do not say, religious leaders should not advocate for the better welfare of citizens, but they should only becareful not to get carried away in such manner that portrays unpatriotism, being one sided and/or being an affiliate of a political party.
We still have the children of
those who said ‘Free Barabas the great thief and crucify Jesus Christ’
amongst us. We must becareful of what they incite us to do.
The jackals, hyenas, vultures are
regrouping; they want to open the national vault once again and take our future away, may they never succeed.
The Holy book says, search
diligently for the all and hold on tight to the one that is the truth.
May God save us from the claws of
the selfish religious leaders. And may Nigeria succeed.
Richarmond O. Natha-Alade is
a legal Practitioner at
Sun Natha-Alade & Partners
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