
Monday, June 26, 2017

Reactions to PMB Hausa Message Shows Most Nigerians Are Whited Sepulchers- Natha-Alade

Richarmond Natha-Alade
Following the audio message said to have been sent by President Buhari in Hausa Language for broadcast on BBC Hausa Station, which was also conveyed to all Nigerians, extending the presidency complimentary advice and wishes to all, the said message was greeted with a lot of criticisms and condemnations, particularly because of the language the President recorded the message. I was therefore moved to ask, why do Nigerians criticize and/or condemn everything?

Before I share my opinion, remember, the audio was made for broadcast on BBC, Hausa Station while the message was also to be conveyed to all Nigerians. So what is actually wrong to speak a specific vernacular for transmission in a specific vernacular radio station?

It is noteworthy that same is not in any law that Nigerian President must Speak English Language at all time and purpose. The law is also not against same that Nigerian President cannot speak in vernacular. Therefore,  President Buhari had broken no law.

President Buhari message was conveyed to Nigerians in Hausa language and so what?

I expected Nigerians to understand Baba and even thank him for remembering them from his sick bed all the way.

We are neither Europeans nor  Americans, Why can we not integrate and value our own languages and cultures. Why do we find it difficult being Nigerians and real, at least occasionally, even in leadership capacity. If we had not been colonised, is it impossible for us to exist? No, We simply learn from each other. Several other countries have several different languages and they still stay as one. Why?  they simply chose to learn from each other.

When do we grow to be logical, tolerating, understanding and matured as a nation? Not until we see ourselves as one, 'undividable' by language,  religion or ephemeral barriers. As all these factors are no longer of this generation's trend. Not again!

This is the generation where Nigerians and other countries' black men and women are being elected into UK, US and other countries' Parliaments or several other key positions.

We are here in Nigeria, despite being together under one name, yet, still spiteful and suspicious of ourselves? Can we really say we belong to this generation?

The President had not cursed or give any inflammatory statement, he only remembered us, advised us on the need for us to continue as a united nation and further wishes us well by merely expressing same in Hausa language.

 Instead of being paranoid, sentimental or showing dissatisfaction,  why not relate with an Hausa man and ask for the meaning of the president's message, better still,  why not show interest in learning Hausa language? Or, as educated fellows, why not google the message and ask same google for translation?

To deserve better leaders we must as well learn to be good followers. Life trends are no longer in being conservative.

For this sincere leader suddenly gone ill without explanation or traceable reasons,  instead of the usual condemnation,  while not pray for Nigeria? Why not pray for the President?

Richarmond Natha-Alade
Lawyer, Blogger and Entrepreneur


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